Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Yeah, That'll Do It

The comments on this twit-pic are pretty interesting.

In other news... we're still waiting for the other shoe to drop when it comes to the current physical affliction.  I spent nearly the entire day yesterday on the couch but did manage to find an hour to knock back a couple o' beers in the late afternoon.  The back pain seems to be receding (we felt fine when we rolled out this morning, back-wise) but the sore throat is still there.  I'm simply hoping against hope that this is NOT the flu, which could be life threatening... and I do NOT exaggerate a whit... given my COPD.


  1. Here's hoping the back pain is only muscular, and that the sore throat is due to post nasal drip (draining sinus).

    1. I hope you're right. I have my fingers crossed...

  2. What Skip said.

    Get well, that's the main thing.

  3. MORE BOOZE! (kills the germs, relaxes the muscles& dilates the blood vessels :) )

  4. Offering up prayers on your behalf.

    I mean, I've only got three readers, an' you're one of 'em. . .


    And, uh, what Virgil said. . .

  5. @ Virgil: We tried yer cure last evening and sure enough... we feel better this morning. But the sore throat is still there.

    @ Craig: The vice is versa where readership is concerned, yanno? But thanks for the other good words! ;-)

  6. I'm a. It behind...and sorry to hear of the back and throat issues. Hopefully by now both have resolved themselves. Having asthma I totally understand the flu-fear...

    1. Thank ya, Kris. I'm better but still not 100%.


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