Friday, August 31, 2012

The Best Speech at the GOP Convention...

... was this one, for my money:

Brilliant.  Great humor and truth.

While we're on the subject, Mr. Romney knocked it outta the park with his acceptance speech.  He was warm, personable, truthful, and respectful in his pointed repudiation of the Obama administration.  The speech was a real tour de force; I was most impressed.


  1. What I liked best was it was all but over before the Giants vs. Atros game. So I able to see the final out.
    And then, wonder of wonders, I found the 49er and Chargers.
    so it was a Hat Trick.

    1. It's GOOD to be on the Left Coast, innit?

  2. Well, I'm at work and can't see the YouTube video however I think I can safely presume it's the great man himself, Clint.

    Oh my how I loved it last night; listened to it again this morning and it's even better. He did what no one would do since 2008 - he mocked Obama. And did it well without being grotesque, insulting or ... racist.

    We own this country.

    God what glorious words!

    And agreed, Romney too was brilliant. Perfectly balanced. I may have said this before and if I repeat myself - yes, I'm bragging...

    I met him once when he was still Gov of MA. VERY brief meeting at a 9/11 memorial event in Boston. He was going thru a line of people shaking hands and The Oracle & I happened to be in that line by sheer accident. He shook our hands, made eye contact, gave a glittering smile and said hello to us both. In that nanosecond he showed himself to be...

    warm, genuine and human. And breathtakingly handsome and charming.

    For the first election in a very long time, I will happily cast my vote for the conservative candidate instead of against the other guy.

    Oh yeah and Rubio - home run there!

    1. I'm in complete agreement about casting my vote FOR someone. But I DID do just that in 2000 and 2004.

  3. Mitt was not my choice, but his speech last night, as well as all the stories told about him, has changed my mind somewhat.

    I don't know how well he would do as President, or if he would go RINO like Bush too often did, but I will gladly vote for him, other having to hold my nose doing it for McCain.

    I think he is a genuine, caring person, who also knows how to make the tough choices to solve problems. We need that.

    Clint was a lot of fun to watch, though there were times when he stuttered too much, cutting away some of his bite. Loved the teleprompter in front of the empty chair, (and Obama twitting - don't twits twit? - that picture of the chair, tells it hit Obama hard.

    First thought that came to my mind when I saw the Obama picture was - the chair is just as empty as the one Clint used.

    I think Mitt connected with the people. I think Chrissy Matthews now feels something other than tingles going DOWN his legs, which accounts for his truly insane rants of late. Even Mickey Moore thinks Romney is going to win.

    One other thing about Clint's piece, it was ad-lib. When Duh One does that he gives us gems like "you didn't build that", or 57 states. ;)

    1. One thang is for SURE, Anon... Romney can't POSSIBLY be any worse than Obama. God willing he WILL be the next president of these United States.

    2. Buck, Biden would be better than Obama, after all he is the Intellect of the Democratic Party. lol

      I just came away feeling much better about Romney, not that I was exactly against him, but he just reminded me too much of Bush. I think both are honorable, but Bush seemed too willing to let the left have their way even if he disagreed with them.

      I just don't see Romney capitulating on things, especially with spending.

      I do think Mitt has a good shot at beating Obama. The whole RNC was positive, up beat.

    3. Agreed on all counts, Anon.

  4. "The Speach nwas a real tour de force.."

    Not if you were lisatening to the NPR and/or the BBC analysts, lol. For them, the main q1uestion was: Were there any redeaming values in it! And you SHOULD HAVE HEARD the college kids whose opinions wete solicited! Like visitors from a parallel universe! All hail to the destruction of DADT and the end of the Iraqui war! Bring ALL troops home! etc. Their main gripe w. Obama? He hasn't declared open borders yet. (ok, they technically said "...hadn't done 'enough' about immigration..."--but we us'ns here know what THAT means coming from their feeble brainwashed mouthes..)

    In the now immortal words of Ferris Buhler's obsequios Maitre 'd: "I weep for the future..."

    1. Memeorandum was FULL o' leftie angst over Clint yesterday, so ya gotta believe he done good.

  5. PS: I guess I'm really an intelligence type at heart--I always operate under the "know your enemy" theory--hence my tuning in to NPR & BBC--but it's like getting teeth pulled, only not as much fun--at least the pain stops eventually--but with NPR/BBC types the drum-beat NEVER stops 24/7/365..

    1. I watched PBS'es convention coverage, myself, so I know what yer talkin' about. PBS at least tries to put up an image of neutrality, what with having David Brooks on staff as the "resident conservative." Say WHAT? Brooks? Conservative?

  6. I thought Romney's speech was great because it was plain words, no heavens opening, no Obama soaring rhetoric, etc. And the Eastwood schtick knocked me out. I nearly fell off the sofa laughing. And Kris above is right, those words "We own this country" were a home run. Listen to the crowd response. I tuned to CNN after to see what they were saying and of course they were not happy with Clint, saying his bit disrupted the flow, disprespected the Prez, was meant to appeal to the xenophobic, and worst of all was incoherent (this particular observation IMHO bordered on ageism). Later, I read Mark Steyn's response, "Play Clinty for Me," and felt like he nailed it. Check it out here...

    1. That Steyn piece was good, Dan. I don't believe I've ever read anythang by Steyn that wasn't good, come to think on it. I agree with ya on the "incoherent" comment, as well. Mr. Eastwood was perfectly coherent. I also read he ad-libbed the whole thing, which is one helluva feat for anyone to pull off, period.


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